
Explore our comprehensive list of news articles and commentary published in 2015.
- Peter McDonald wins 2015 Irene B Taeuber Award - January 2015
- Joe Hockey's comments on living to 150 a Sarah Palin moment, says Bill Shorten - The Age 20 January 2015
- Interview with Hal Kendig - 3AW Mornings 20 January 2015
- South Korea and the rapid rise of an ageing population - Primetime National Radio South Korea 6 January 2015
- Thai labour market faces dual challenges - The Nation 28 February 2015
- Seven score and ten...Hockey's own goal on longevity - The Age 26 February 2015
- Pisk eller gulrot (translation: Carrot or Stick?) - Dajens Naeringsliv 12 February 2015
- Forget the wisecrack, can you afford to live to 150? - The Sydney Morning Herald 3 February 2015
- Intergenerational Report: who is to blame for your retirement shortfall? - The Sydney Morning Herald 2 February 2015
- Murray inquiry struggles with some complexities of retirement income - Professional Planner 30 March 2015
- Intergenerational Report overlooks the valuable contributions of older people - Crikey 24 March 2015
- Living longer, living alone - The Sydney Morning Herald 20 March 2015
- North coast grey vote crucial for state election win - ABC TV 16 March 2015
- The Abbott Government's proposal to reform the aged pension system - 720 ABC Perth 10 March 2015
- Turning negative perceptions of old age on their head - The Sydney Morning Herald 7 March 2015
- Intergenerational Report lays uneven path for touch policy choices - The Conversation 6 March 2015
- Turning negative perceptions of old age on their head - Beaudesert Times 6 March 2015
- Hockey looks to 'armies' in Intergenerational Report: Experts react - The Conversation 5 March 2015
- The Intergenerational Report and reforming the age pension - The Conversation 5 March 2015
- When the figures don't tell the full story - Australian Ageing Agenda 4 March 2015
- Ageing boom not ageing bust - The Age 4 March 2015
- Negative gearing cost to taxpayers falls 31pc - The Australian Financial review 30 April 2015
- Former IUSSP President Peter McDonald receives Irene B. Taueber Award - IUSSP 30 April 2015
- Super tax reforms on panel's table - The Australian Financial Review 23 April 2015
- Retirement catches most people unplanned - Cuffelinks 23 April 2015
- Tapping super for first homes: Could it work? - BusinessThink 22 April 2015
- Fact Check: Are superannuation tax breaks fair, or do they favour the rich? - ABC News 21 April 2015
- Youth surge into labour force to ease baby-boomer ageing burden - The Australian 20 April 2015
- The rise and rise of dementia - 2SER 16 April 2015
- Taxation, inequality and the wealth gap - The Saturday Paper 11 April 2015
- Hockey flags automatic rises to pension age - The Australian Financial Review 9 April 2015
- Treasury Secretary ponders 'tax deductible' parents - The Australian Financial Review 9 April 2015
- Pension reform agreement in reach - The Australian 9 April 2015
- Budget to do more with less - Sky News and others 8 April 2015
- Merit Linking pension to life span - AAP and affiliates 8 April 2015
- Fundamental rethink needed on super, tax and housing, says John Fraser - The Australian Financial Review 8 April 2015
- 'Fundamental rethink' of super says Treasury Secretary - The Age 8 April 2015
- Merit linking pension to lifespan - Daily Mail 8 April 2015
- Treasurer encourages employers to consider mature workers - Sky News 8 April 2015
- At 50, each body mass index unit increase hastens alzheimer's 6.7 months - BioScience Technology 5 April 2015
- Yes, a million in super is plenty - Business Spectator 29 May 2015
- Gold in gray - China Daily Asia 29 May 2015
- Award for population professor - PSNewsOnline 21 May 2015
- The retirement years: who is going to pay? - Business Think 20 May 2015
- ANU research looks at how ageing affects driving - HealthCanal 16 May 2015
- Budget Brief: Will I lose my Age Pension? - The Conversation and others 13 May 2015
- Missed opportunities on coherent pension policy reform - The Conversation 13 May 2015
- Federal Budget 2015 - ABC SA Breakfast 13 May 2015
- 'Fair game' pensioner asset test in 2015 budget - Property Observer 12 May 2015
- Why you need $2m to retire comfortably - The Australian Financial Review Smart Investor 4 May 2015
- Keating warns of debt 'wastelands' if dividend tax regime changes - The Australian Financial Review 4 May 2015
- Comprehensive reform of retirement incomes urged - The Australian Financial Review 4 May 2015
- $1 million in super is enough to retire on... - The Australian Financial Review 2 May 2015
- Super, savings are meant to fund retirement, not be bequeathed to others - The Conversation 23 June 2015
- Why the Greens were right to do a pension deal with Scott Morrison - New Mathilda 23 June 2015
- The secret to a happy and fulfilling retirement - Starts at Sixty 18 June 2015
- Removing the rations: best way forward or a fiction? - Australian Ageing Agenda 12 June 2015
- A voice of reason on super - Business Spectator 5 June 2015
- ASSA Fellows in the news - ASSA 4 June 2015
- Why pensioners are cruising their way around budget changes - The Conversation 3 June 2015
- Why are pensioners spending big? - The Retiree 3 June 2015
- How will companies deal with a growing number of workers over 65? - In The Black 1 June 2015
- The Relationship between age and driving - 666 ABC Radio 1 June 2015
- Removing the rations - Australian Ageing Agenda May/June 2015
- Demographic projections 'often wide of the mark' - Life Health Insurance News 29 July 2015
- Early job hopping can limit employment opportunities - The Sydney Morning Herald 23 July 2015
- A visual history of demographic projections in Australia - Australian Policy Online 22 July 2015
- Australian demographic data - 2GB Money News 22 July 2015
- Push is on for the GST changes as premiers and territory leaders gather for pre-COAG retreat - The Sydney Morning Herald 22 July 2015
- Brain power at risk with type 2 diabetes - ANU News 20 July 2015
- Creative alternatives to retirement living - ABC Radio National Life Matters 17 July 2015
- NRMA road safety trust awards $700,000 in final round funding - The Canberra Times 14 July 2015
- Understanding the implications of our ageing population - Akolade 10 July 2015
- How to make people read their superannuation statements - The Australian Financial Review 8 July 2015
- Bruce Billson dismisses super review urged by Productivity Commission - The Australian Financial Review 8 July 2015
- Super governance: draft law 'doesn't work', expert says - The Australian Financial Review 8 July 2015
- An older Australia - ANZIIF Journal July 2015
- No changes to superannuation - 2GB Money Talk 1 July 2015
- Older drivers in Canberra and Brisbane - ABC Radio 13 August 2015
- Road safety skills of older drivers under scrutiny as the population ages - 666 ABC Canberra 13 August 2015
- Aged care moves closer to market system - Australian Ageing Agenda 1 August 2015
- Are annuities part of your retirement plan? - INTHEBLACK 1 August 2015
- The science of ageing - Women's Weekly September 2015
- What is the optimal system for funding retirement? - BusinessThink 23 September 2015
- Future Hopes: healthy ageing - SBS Radio 21 September 2015
- Stop thinking, start acting to maintain a healthy brain - The Senior - WA September 2015
- Third of Australians living below the poverty line - ABC News 9 September 2015
- Driving and Age - 2SM Radio 7 September 2015
- Did Robert Redford get it wrong on retirement? - Morning MarketWatch 2 September 2015
- Could tablet devices ease loneliness for elderly? - Sunshine Coast Daily2 September 2015
- Will China's 'two-child' policy affect Australia's economy? - The Sydney Morning Herald 30 October 2015
- The golden years: John Piggott on the economics of increased longevity - BusinessThink 21 October 2015
- No, we're not spending the inheritance - The Senior 1 October 2015
- Growing old before growing rich - East Asia Forum Quarterly Oct-Dec 2015
- Study aims to combat dementia - Canberra Weekly 1 October 2015
- Is welfare sustainable? - Inside Story 26 November 2015
- Research hub take on ageing - The Senior November 2015
- The golden years: The economics of increased longevity - Cuffelinks 5 November 2015
- How will you cope with Aged Care when it comes time? - ABC 702 Nightlife 4 November 2015
- Action needed to tackle ageism in the workplace - INDAILY - Adelaide 3 November 2015
- ARC grant awarded to Iwu Utomo, Peter McDonald and Robert Sparrow - ANU News December 2015
- Women's brains age better than men's, study suggests - The Telegraph (UK) 9 December 2015
- Time to move forward on reverse mortgages - The Australian 3 December 2015