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Research Publications

Clustering and additive effects of non-genetic risk factors in non-autosomal dominant degenerative and vascular young onset dementia.

Cations, M., Withall, A., Low, L.F., Radford, K., Troller, J., Brodaty, H., Sachdev, P., Gonski, P., Broe, G.A., Cumming, R.G. and Draper, B. (2020). Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders. 34(2), 128-134. 

On-Road Behavior in Older Drivers with Mild Cognitive Impairmen

Eramudugolla, R., Huque, M.H., Wood, J. and Anstey, K.J. (2020). Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 

Do Individuals with Higher Education Prefer Smaller Families? Education, Fertility Preference and the Value of Children in Greater Jakarta

Utomo A, McDonald P, Utomo I, and Hull T (2020). Child Indicators Research.

Patient‑reported outcome measures (PROMs): can they be used to guide patient‑centered care and optimize outcomes in total knee replacement?

Tew, M., Dalziel, K., Clarke, P., Smith, A., Choong, P.F. and Dowsey, M. (2020). Quality of Life Research. 

Midlife susceptibility to the effects of poor diet on diabetes risk.

Walsh, E.I., Jacka, F.N., Butterworth, P., Anstey, K.J. and Cherbuin, N. (2020). European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 

Third-Party Impact of Dual Sensory Loss on Neuropsychiatric Symptom-Related Distress among Friends and Family

Kiely, K.M., Mortby, M.E. and Anstey, K.J. (2020). Gerontology. 66 (4), 351-361. 

Portfolio Insurance Strategies for a Target Annuitization Fund

Xu, M., Sherris, M., and Shao W. (2020). ASTIN Bulletin.

Looking back and looking ahead: Applying organisational behaviour to explain the changing face of work.

Collins, C., Earl, J., Parker, S. and Wood, R. (2020). Australian Journal of Management. 45 (3), 369-375. 

Active Women over 50 online information and sup to promote physical activity behaviour change: Study protocol for a pilot trial. 

Wallbank, G., Sherrington, C., Hassett, L., Kwasnicka, D., Chau, J., Martin, F., Phongsavan, P., Grunseit, A., Canning, C., Baird, M., Shepherd, R. and Tiedemann, A. (2020). Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 6 (91).