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Research Publications

Health Risk, Insurance, and Optimal Progressive Income Taxation

Jung, J., and Tran, C. (2023). Journal of the European Economic Association. 21(5), 2043-2097

Could Country-level Factors Explain sex Differences in Dementia Incidence and Prevalence? A Systematic Review and Meta-analyis

Huque, H., Eramudugolla, R., Chidiac, B., Ee, N., Ehrenfeld, L., Matthews, F.E., Peters, R., and Anstey, K.J. (2023).  Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 91(4), 1231-1241

Addressing Dementia through Analysis of Population Traits and Risk Factors (ADAPTOR) using Australia’s largest Cohort Study: A Study Protocol

McNamara, M., Dolja-Gore, X., Cavenagh, D., D’Este, C., Melo, L., Jackson, K., Nepal, S., Cresswell, A., Anstey, K.J., Brodaty, H., Welberry, H., & Goh, A. (2023). Europe PMC

Instrument Strength in IV Estimation and Inference: A Guide to Theory and Practice

Keane, M., Neal, T. (2023). Journal of Econometrics. 235(2), 1625-165

Trait Continuity: Can Parent-rated Infant Temperament Predict HEXACO Personality in Early Adulthood?

Kamarova, S., Dunlop, P. D., and Parker, S. K. (2023). Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 64(4), 512-526

‘Work Not as Usual’: Work and Industrial Relations in a Post-COVID World

Dabaja, I., Dinale, D., Gulesserian, L. and Wright, C. (eds.). (2023). Labour & Industry. 33(1), 1-10.

Developing a Model for Rehabilitation in the Home as Hospital Substitution for Patients Requiring Reconditioning: A Delphi Survey in Australia

Poulos, R.G., Cole, A., Warner, K., Faux, S., Nguyen, T.A., Kohler, F., Un, F.C., Alexander, T., Capell, J., Hilvert, D., O’Connor, C.M.C. and Poulos, C.J. (2023). BMC Health Services Research. 23, Article 113

Prevalence of Visual Impairment in Older People Living with Dementia and Its Impact: A Scoping Review

Zhang, W., Roberts, T.V., Poulos, C.J. and Stanaway, F.F. (2023). BMC Geriatric. 23(1), Article 63

Mirabella at Arizona State University: A Case Example in Innovation at a University-Based Retirement Community

Maxfield, M., Beagley, L., Peckham, A., Guest, M. A., Giasson, H. L., Byrd, D. R., Munm C.J., Yu, F., Ng, T., Pohl, J. ,Koffer, R., Andel, R., and Coon, D. W. (2023). Journal of Aging and Environment. 1-20