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The ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR) and the School of Risk and Actuarial Studies in the UNSW Business School will host the 29th Colloquium on Pensions and Retirement Research online on 1-3 December 2021. 


CEPAR Chief Investigator Professor Marian Baird and colleagues write in this The Conversation article that "it is not uncommon for women involved in our research to report they forego promotions to accommodate their child caring or elder care responsibilities, or work part-time, and earn less, because full-time jobs are too inflexible."


New research shows how hard it is for ‘flying grannies’ to care for their Australian grandkids, CEPAR Principal Research Fellow Associate Professor Myra Hamilton and colleagues explain in this The Conversation article.

cepar award

The book Population Ageing and Australia’s Future, edited by CEPAR Chief Investigators Honorary Professor Peter McDonald and Scientia Professor John Piggott, and the late Emeritus Professor Hal Kendig, had over 12,000 downloads in the year 2021, according to ANU Press.

cepar award

Tim Neal has been recognised for his insights into the economics of climate change, COVID-19 panic buying and child labour.



The Center for Financial Planning (CFP) Board announced CEPAR researchers as the recipients of the 2021 Best Paper Awards at the Center's fifth annual Academic Research Colloquium for Financial Planning and Related Disciplines, which took place online on November 11-16, 2021.

Tim Neal

CEPAR Senior Research Fellow Dr Timothy Neal is one of four Australia’s best emerging researchers who have been named as recipient of the 2021 Paul Bourke Award for Early Career Research by the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia.

Sharon Parker

CEPAR Chief Investigator Professor Sharon Parker has been recognised as one of Australia’s top 40 lifetime achievers in research, chosen for the consistent excellence of their work and the impact they had in their fields, by The Australian’s 2021 Research Special Report.


CEPAR and the School of Risk & Actuarial Studies in the UNSW Business School are co-hosting the 29th Colloquium on Pensions and Retirement Research online on 1-3 December 2021.