Grand Challenge on Inequality - Public Lecture by Prof. James Nazroo
Presented by the UNSW Grand Challenges Program and CEPAR
Inequalities in later life, and their consequences for health and wellbeing, have been underplayed by researchers and policy makers, to the detriment of individuals and wider society. But what drives these inequalities? Class and other processes of stratification, such as ethnicity and gender; early life experiences; or contexts and events in later life?
Drawing on data from the UK, James Nazroo will investigate the importance of later life events in shaping inequality and argue that research and policy need to bring these into sharper focus.
This is a free event with online registration required.
About James Nazroo
James Nazroo is a CEPAR Partner Investigator and Professor of Sociology at the University of Manchester, UK. He also serves as co-Director of the Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing and Director of the Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity. His research focuses on issues of inequality, social justice and underlying processes of stratification, particularly in relation to ageing and ethnicity. He works on the social determinants of health and wellbeing in later life, social inequalities over the life course, and longitudinal surveys of health and retirement.
He is the lead investigator for the six year interdisciplinary research program ‘Frailty, Resilience and Inequalities in Later Life (fRaill)’ (2011-2017); a Chief Investigator on the ongoing ‘English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA)’; and a Partner Investigator on the ARC Discovery grant ‘Socioeconomic determinants and health inequalities over the life course’ being conducted in collaboration with CEPAR Investigators Kendig, Loh, Byles and O’Loughlin.
About UNSW Grand Challenges
UNSW Sydney aims to lead the debate and shape the public discourse on the greatest issues facing humanity. The Grand Challenges Program has been established to facilitate these critical discussions, and in the process raise awareness of the ground-breaking research and excellent initiatives undertaken by UNSW academics, staff and students.
CEPAR is an ARC Centre of Excellence and a unique collaboration between academia, government and industry, committed to delivering solutions to one of the major economic and social challenges of the 21st century. Based at UNSW Sydney with nodes at The Australian National University (ANU), The University of Melbourne, The University of Sydney and The University of Western Australia (UWA), CEPAR is producing world-class research on population ageing.
Direct event or media enquiries to: Silke Weiss