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Professor Michael Sherris
Director of Industry Engagement and Stream Leader - Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life
BA Macquarie University; MBA University of Sydney; FIA; FIAA; FSA
Primary affiliation:
Professor of Actuarial Studies, School of Risk and Actuarial Studies, UNSW Sydney
Research streams:
Macro-demographic Dynamics and Popualtion Ageing Policy; Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life
Michael Sherris is a Professor of Actuarial Studies in the UNSW Business School. His research sits at the intersection of actuarial science and financial economics and has attracted a number of international and Australian best paper awards. He has published in leading international risk and actuarial studies journals, including Journal of Risk and Insurance, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, ASTIN Bulletin, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, North American Actuarial Journal and Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance. He is on the editorial board of the Annals of Actuarial Science and is a co-editor of the North American Actuarial Journal.
Prior to becoming an academic he worked in the banking and finance industry. He has been an active member of the Australian actuarial profession having served on the Council of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia. He was President (2008-2009) of the Asia Pacific Risk and Insurance Association and a Board and Executive Member of the Enterprise Risk Management Institute International. He was Chair of the AFIR-ERM Section of the International Actuarial Association until 2019. He was named Australian Actuary of the Year 2007 in recognition of his contributions to actuarial research and education both internationally and within Australia.
Keywords: Longevity Risk Modelling; Longevity Risk Management; Actuarial Science; Applications to Life Annuities and Long-term Care
More: View UNSW profile