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CEPAR & CESifo Workshops: Pension Taxation, Population Ageing, and Globalisation

Female colleagues collaborating in the workplace

CEPAR has joined with CESifo to hold the pension taxation, population ageing and globalisation workshops in Sydney. This initial workshop will be followed by a specialised conference to be held in Munich on the 3 - 4 September, 2015.

The workshop aims to outline a suggested structure of a research project on the taxation of pensions in a world of rising life expectancy and low fertility rates, and increasing international mobility of workforce and capital.

The objective of the project and the staging of the proposed two interrelated workshops is to explore the issues associated with pension taxation and population ageing, and their inter-relationship, and to publish the results in journal or book form in order to inform the economic community and to stimulate further research.

Monday, November 17, 2014 - 09:00
End date: 
Tuesday, November 18, 2014 - 17:00