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Dr Sisi Yang

Senior Research Associate

MSc Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; PhD Macquarie University & Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Primary affiliation:

Senior Research Associate, UNSW Business School, UNSW Sydney

Research stream:

Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life

Sisi Yang is a CEPAR Senior Research Associate, located in the UNSW Business School. She joined the Centre in July 2018. She completed her master’s degree in Demography in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), and received PhDs in Demography from Macquarie University and CASS in 2017. Sisi’s research interests focus on issues relating to migration, ageing and inequality, including wellbeing of older adults, formal and informal settlement of migrants, migrant workers and employment, and health and inequality, mainly based on data from large scale surveys, censuses and interview data.

Her current research involves the examination of life satisfaction of older adults in China, permanent settlement intentions of China’s rural-urban migrants, health status of Chinese-born migrants in Australia and the related theoretical and policy implications of ageing and migration both in China and the international context. Her research has been published in both national and international academic journals, including Urban Studies, Urban and Environment Studies and the Chinese Journal of Population Science. She has also co-authored reports and books on health and migration related issues, including The Annual Report on Chinese International Migration, which has been published recently. She has been a reviewer for several academic journals, such as Journal of Population, Space and Place.

Keywords: Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life; Population Studies; Internal and International Migration