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Dr Andreea Constantin

Associate Investigator

MSc Bucharest, MSc KU Leuven, Dr. rer. pol. Koln

Primary Affiliation: 

Research Analyst, Business School, The University of Sydney

Research stream:

Organisations and the Mature Workforce

Dr Andreea Constantin is an Associate Investigator based at the University of Sydney node of CEPAR. She received her PhD degree in Economics and Social Sciences from the University of Cologne, Germany. She has two master degrees in Social Policy Analysis and Statistics and Advanced Sociological Research from the Catholic University Leuven and the University of Bucharest respectively.

Her main research interests are work-life balance policies, mature workers, outside-work care, and gender roles within and outside organisations. She has contributed to analysing links between social policies and individual behaviour and attitudes, and to testing and developing cross-cultural comparative survey measures. Andreea's research interests also include big data, survey methodology and cross-cultural studies. 

Keywords: Attitudes towards gender roles; Social policies; Mature workforce and unpaid care