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Professor Jeromey Temple
Professor of Economic Demography
BA Population Studies (Hons), BCom PhD (Demography) ANU
Primary affiliation:
Head of the Demography and Ageing Unit at the University of Melbourne and Professor of Economic Demography with CEPAR
Research stream:
Macro-demographic Dynamics and Population Ageing Policy
Professor Jeromey Temple is Head of the Demography and Ageing Unit at the University of Melbourne and Professor of Economic Demography with the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research.
Temple is the head of the Australian National Transfer Accounts (NTA) project and in 2018 was elected as the Asia Regional representative on the global NTA Executive Council led from the University of California at Berkeley and the East West Centre. Temple’s current work on the National Transfer Accounts seeks to improve our understanding of how changes in population age structure are affecting economic growth, the wellbeing of all age groups, and the sustainability of public and private systems that transfer resources between generations. Temple’s further research focus includes quantitative studies of inequality
Keywords: Demographic Methods; Economic Demography; Intergenerational Accounting; Population Ageing; Discrimination and Inequalities in Later Life